Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Sister's Wedding

       Photographing weddings is always a blast, but my sister's wedding really "takes the cake" (no pun intended).  I've always been happy for my couples, but on my sister's wedding day, I was ecstatic.  You could see the love on their faces the whole time. Other than when I asked them to make a serious face, there wasn't a single picture where they weren't smiling at each other.  This wedding was by far the best one I've ever attended (except my own of course!).  It was by far the easiest to shoot because they didn't pose. Everything was natural. Of course, it does help that my sister is also the most photogenic person I know.
        I do have to brag on my new brother-in-law, Ben, as well.  At the wedding, he gave my niece a ring too.  She was so happy and the rest of us were pleasantly surprised.  Mommy wasn't the only one to get a ring that day.  I only got one shot of Kaylea showing it off, but it is because she was too busy running around showing everyone else.  It was precious. 
     I could go on an on about how wonderful the wedding was and how beautiful my sister and niece were and how handsome Ben was all day, but see it all for yourself at